New treatment of mild stress incontinence and atrophic vaginitis
Sydney Urodynamic - Tuesday, April 11, 2017We are very pleased to inform you that we are now offering a non-invasive transcutaneous temperature controlled radiofrequency (ThermiVa), method of treatment for women with atrophic vaginitis and mild urinary stress incontinence.
Transcutaneous temperature controlled radiofrequency has been shown to be a proven technology for the treatment of skin laxity in other situations by the formation of new collagen.
As women age and become peri-menopausal and post-menopausal, they may suffer from increasing genitourinary symptoms such as stress incontinence, urinary urgency and frequency, urinary urge incontinence, vaginal dryness and atrophy.
Pelvic floor exercises, intravaginal oestrogens and surgery are the mainstay of treatment.
There are however, women in whom oestrogens are contraindicated, such as those with previous deep venous thromboses, breast cancer or those who are unhappy about oestrogen administration. Women who have mild urinary symptoms who have not benefited from pelvic floor exercises or are unsuitable for or do not want surgery are the perfect candidates for the ThermiVa treatment.
In such women, the treatment has been shown to have significant benefit. The treatment involves the insertion of a specially designed vaginal probe which is attached to a generator, with the probe being passed gently and slowly with wide sweeps to the desired treatment zone for 3-5 minutes, until the tissue is gradually heated to a therapeutic level.
There is also some suggestion that the treatment may prove to be beneficial for the treatment of mild pelvic organ prolapse.
If you care for women who you would consider suitable for this type of treatment, please ask them to phone our rooms for an appointment on 9557 2450.